COVID-19. Whoever could have imagined such an event. And one that is dragging on for who knows how long. You can make the most of this period of social distancing by joining Toastmasters. During these times, Toastmasters is a good idea.
Toastmasters is a non-profit world-wide organization dedicated to the development of public speaking and leadership skills through individual clubs. Here are some reasons why you may want to consider Toastmasters now more than ever:
1) Most Toastmaster meetings are now online. That means you do not need to drive anywhere to attend a meeting. It also means you have a vast selection of clubs you can visit to find the perfect fit. Globally!
2) Most personal and business communication is online. With Toastmasters, you get to practice mastering the online environment. For example:
- Hosting a Zoom online meeting
- Managing attendees for online meetings (waiting rooms, passwords, muting, and the like.)
- Sharing your screen
- Delivering a presentation using PowerPoint.
- Effective connection with your virtual audience (like eye contact with the camera)
3) Online Interviews. If seeking employment, beat your competition by learning how to speak-on-your feet and looking good on camera.
4) If employed, increase your value! An employee who has good communication and leadership skills AND does so online is promotion material. Many business Toastmasters clubs struggle with membership because their members keep getting promoted and don’t have time for Toastmasters!
5) Transferable skills. See this PDF to see how what you learn in Toastmasters is transferrable to the real world.
Consider visiting the Daybreak SCV Toastmasters club!

Daybreak SCV Toastmasters is a community club that has been around for over 25 years. When meetings were in-person, the club met in Santa Clarita, California. But we are now, like most Toastmaster clubs, meeting online. Even when the Covid-19 Pandemic is over, and in-person meetings are resumed, we will host hybrid meetings. That is – we have people meeting in a room, and we have people joining us virtually as well.
Our club has members new to Toastmasters, and several who have been in Toastmasters for over 20 years. One member is a TEDx speaker. Another is currently serving as a Toastmasters District Director. It is a safe place and a fun environment to blossom as a speaker and leader.
We meet the 2nd and 4th Thursday every month at 7:00 am Pacific Standard Time. For those in our time zone, that is pretty darn early. I know. BUT, we are setting and achieving goals, experiencing success, and having fun before most people have their first cup of coffee. Come visit us! You’ve nothing to lose and a world of valuable skills to gain.