If your talk is videotaped, here are ten things to consider

While we always want to deliver our best presentation, if it will be videotaped and put on the web, that heightens its importance. Continue reading
While we always want to deliver our best presentation, if it will be videotaped and put on the web, that heightens its importance. Continue reading
Visuals can help us all better understand ideas, concepts, and emotions. Continue reading
As speakers, we want our audience to listen to us and EXPERIENCE what we are saying. Stir up emotions through questions! Use Questions to stir emotions. How about these, for starters? Romantic Warm, Cozy, Fuzzy Sad or distressed Embarrassment Happy … Continue reading
Audiences who are involved in your talk can retain up to 90% of your message. I witnessed the most remarkable use of questions while participating in Harv Ekar’sMillionaire Mind weekend years ago. He kept an audience of approximately 2,000 people … Continue reading
An eye can threaten like a loaded and leveled gun; or can insult like hissing and kicking; or in its altered mood by beams of kindness, make the heart dance with joy. -Ralph Waldo Emerson Mr. Emerson’s eloquent statement expresses … Continue reading
If we want our message to be meaningful and memorable, use metaphors when speaking Here is how metaphors help us as speakers: Metaphors create vivid images in your audience’s mind, making it easier to understand and remember your message. Metaphors … Continue reading
Advancing through PowerPoint slides without any awkwardness is a worthy goal for any presenter. Here is a surprisingly easy, inexpensive, and extremely effective way to achieve that. My business partner and friend, Circe Denyer, is a TEDx coach. … Continue reading
As speakers, we don’t want anything to distract our audience from our talk. How about your belly button? Is your belly button showing when you speak? A retired Hollywood costume designer surprised us with feedback about visible belly buttons! Tight-fitting … Continue reading
We can learn a thing or two by watching the hand gestures of opera singers. The Aria I was watching “The Devil’s Violinist” movie about one of the most famous violinists of all time – Paganini. Boy, talk about playing … Continue reading
One of the surest ways to establish your credibility as a speaker is by becoming an author. Having books available to offer your audiences enables them to “take you home” and remember your presentation. However, so many people want to … Continue reading
Recently I was reminded of an essential truth about speaking. We want to be speaking from the heart. The important reminder about speaking from the heart happened during a meeting where participants were practicing their “core idea” speeches with the … Continue reading
I’ve always said, with deep conviction, that conquering the fear of public speaking changes lives. Not only do I say conquering the fear of public speaking changes lives. I’ve seen it! Over and over and over again, thanks to Toastmasters. … Continue reading
Here is a recipe for preparing and delivering a presentation that can render you and your message unforgettable. The three ingredients An unforgettable presentation has one or all three of these ingredients: Uncharacteristic of the person or situation Unusual Unexpected … Continue reading
I have a love-hate relationship when it comes to PowerPoint. Not just for myself but for all of us presenters. Designed and used correctly is an excellent embellishment to a talk. More times than not, that isn’t the case. … Continue reading
As speakers, we want to be our best when on stage. Especially if delivering a pitch about our product or service! What can you accomplish in a one-minute pitch? A lot. We want to sparkle not just in what we … Continue reading