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Why Toastmasters is a Good Idea Now more than Ever

Toastmasters is a good idea

COVID-19. Whoever could have imagined such an event. And one that is dragging on for who knows how long. You can make the most of this period of social distancing by joining Toastmasters. During these times, Toastmasters is a good idea. Continue reading

Face the Fear of Public Speaking and Meet Success


The fear of public speaking. It is debilitating and a significant reason not to move forward in careers and business. Overcoming it can be easy. Imagine yourself knowing that you never have to fear talking and sharing ideas. I’ve said … Continue reading

Conquering the Fear of Public Speaking Changes Lives

faye ribbon

I’ve always said, with deep conviction, that conquering the fear of public speaking changes lives. Not only do I say conquering the fear of public speaking changes lives. I’ve seen it! Over and over and over again, thanks to Toastmasters.  … Continue reading