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Public Speaking Basics Reminders

Public Speaking Bascis while delivering a talk about movie Harvey

I’ve been in Toastmasters since 1987. My husband joined Toastmasters recently. He is discovering public speaking basics. Thanks to all Toastmasters meetings online, my husband decided to jump in and join. Since then, listening to my husband, Bruce, has been … Continue reading

Oxymorons in your speech

oxymoron's in your speech

An oxymoron is usually two words or concepts that do not go together but are used together. Sprinkling your speech with some oxymorons can put a smile on your listeners’ faces. Especially if you pause after using one to let … Continue reading

Vocal Variety in Public Speaking

vocal variety

Voice and vocal variety are critical components of public speaking. Dr. Albert Mehrabian, a professor, and researcher at UCLA, reported that our voice relays 38% of a message. Psychologists and physicians listen not only to words but to voice. The … Continue reading

Why Toastmasters is a Good Idea Now more than Ever

Toastmasters is a good idea

COVID-19. Whoever could have imagined such an event. And one that is dragging on for who knows how long. You can make the most of this period of social distancing by joining Toastmasters. During these times, Toastmasters is a good idea. Continue reading

An exercise to keep your mouth ready for speaking

Mouth ready for speaking

In this post, I am sharing a marvelous exercise to keep your mouth ready for speaking. As a professional speaker and member of Toastmasters for over 30 years, I experience my mouth not working after a period of not speaking. Sentences … Continue reading

Risque Speech about Miscommunication

three a's of miscommunication

Is it okay to include a risque element within a speech if it beautifully illustrates a point? I took a chance and delivered a risque speech in Zoom rated “R,” or at least a strong “PG.” I couldn’t resist because … Continue reading

The (Unsuccessful) Zoom Speech

Unsuccessful Zoom Speech

I recently gave a humorous Zoom speech about my aquarium. This is what happened and what I learned. It was an ambitious experiment, I’ll admit. It was the first virtual meeting for a Toastmaster club I belong to. I wanted … Continue reading

Prepare for Introductions

prepare for introductions

John Travolta became legendary at the 2014 Oscars – but for the wrong reason. Here are three tips to prepare for introductions. The mistake went viral! John Travolta introduced a singer whose name is Idina Menzel; he introduced her as … Continue reading

Creating Believable and Memorable Parables and Stories

Parables and stories in your talks, especially if you create them, will aid the audience in understanding and remember your message. I am sharing with you one of my most favorite personal parables and how I created it. I’ve used … Continue reading

Show Don’t Tell Your Stories

One of the most valuable coaching tips I received as a TEDx speaker is to show, don’t tell, my stories. The Coach Kymberlee Weil of Strategic Samurai Speech Coaching I shared in a previous post my experience as a TedX Camarillo speaker, … Continue reading

The Dream Speech by Dr. Martin Luther King

The Dream Speech

I’ll never forget the day I transcribed a recording of the Dream speech I was on vacation in a little cabin nestled among the pines in Northern California. The year was 1991. As I listened to a CD recording and … Continue reading

Fast Track to Public Speaking

Fast Track to Public Speaking

Thanks to Toastmasters International, you can receive excellent training to prepare and deliver a talk without joining a Toastmasters club. It is called “FAST TRACK.” It is a short course, available as an internet resource for a one-time cost of … Continue reading

Fast-Talking- 10 Reasons to eliminate it

iamgoingtosharewithyouthepitfallsoffasttalking. WHAT? Say again? Like reading the opening sentence without punctuation, it takes work to decipher the message of a fast-talker. Whether you are giving a presentation, talking on the phone, in meetings, or one-on-one conversations, audiences don’t like to … Continue reading

HAVE A PLAN: How to Write and Deliver A Talk

Write and Deliver a talk

“Have a plan, don’t wing it.” is sound advice to follow when you write and deliver a talk. A good Toastmaster friend, the beloved Dick Churchill, was known for providing abundant guidance to speakers. It wasn’t unusual to receive copious … Continue reading

Metaphoric Images for Presentations for Impact and Memorability

Metaphoric Images for Presentations for Impact and Memorability

A picture is worth a thousand words. That’s the power of Images for Presentations. In a recent post, I shared how I felt a keynote could have been enhanced with images. I decided to start posting images that I believe … Continue reading