Here is a recipe for preparing and delivering a presentation that can render you and your message unforgettable.
The three ingredients
An unforgettable presentation has one or all three of these ingredients:
- Uncharacteristic of the person or situation
- Unusual
- Unexpected
Use any of these ingredients in your talk to create an unforgettable presentation.
The Watermelon
I loved how a speaker used this recipe while lecturing a group of kids. He was trying to instill the dangers of riding a bike or motorcycle without wearing a helmet. To make his point, he dropped a watermelon on the ground. It broke in several pieces and juice dribbled from the bright pink flesh. “That…” he warned his wide-eyed audience, “…is what can happen to your head if you fall off your bike without wearing a helmet.”
In short, it was, well, an unforgettable presentation.
Darren LaCroix – Toastmaster World Champion of Public Speaking
In 2001 I witnessed Darren LaCroix deliver one of the most unforgettable presentations ever. EVER. What did he do? He walked on stage and fell flat on his face. And STAYED there a bit. His point was made in an uncharacteristic, unusual, and unexpected way. He was and still is, unforgettable. See for yourself! (His speech is after his promo pitch.)
In conclusion, think back to presentations you’ve long remembered. Chances are you’ll find one or more of these ingredients:
- Unusual
- Uncharacteristic
- Unexpected
This recipe, by the way, works anytime in nearly any situation where you want to be unforgettable. Just aim to be unforgettable in a positive way!