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Quotes About Public Speaking – George Jessel

Quotes about public speaking – George Jessel – THE master of ceremonies

Quotes About Public Speaking - George Jessel


If you don’t strike oil in three minutes, stop boring. – George Jessel

 According to Wikipedia: George Jessel:

“…was an American illustrated song “model,” actor, singer, songwriter, and Academy Award-winning movie producer. He was famous in his lifetime as a multitalented comedic entertainer, achieving a level of recognition that transcended his limited roles in movies. He was widely known by his nickname, the “Toastmaster General of the United States,” for his frequent role as the master of ceremonies at political and entertainment gatherings.

I would have loved to experience Mr. Jessel – as he surely would have had the art of the Roast and Boast mastered to perfection.  And he certainly understood all about the fear of public speaking.  He was the one who stated this wonderful quote that I often hear shared by fellow Toastmasters:

The  human brain is a wonderful organ. It starts to work as soon as you are born and  doesn’t stop until you get up to deliver a speech.

Have a powerful opening

I have always enjoyed a powerful quote as a speech opening.  If that quote is memorized, it is even more powerful then if read.
I like the suggestions offered by speaker and storyteller extraordinaire, Jack Barnard. I’ve included some of his speech opening examples so you can note how he also incorporates HUMOR in his openings:
◾Personalize a story (“I took the elevator to get up here, and I started to worry that the person who thought up Muzak may be thinking up something else.”)
◾Establish common ground (“ We’re all Americans here. What a country. Only in America can a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance.”)
◾Command attention with a salient fact (“Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.”)
◾Question and/or ask for show of hands (“How many of you have ever been threatened by a 7-foot Mongolian with green teeth?”)
◾Promise to share something useful (“I promise that if you stay awake through this entire presentation, you will go home tonight with someone brand new – you.”)
◾Make an unusual sound (“Bruuumpph! That is the mating sound of the Canadian Mongoose, which you may wonder what it has to do with our topic tonight.”)
◾Amusing story/joke (make sure it ties into your topic.)
◾ Poem, rhyme or song lyric


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