There is a lot of discussion about whether to memorize a speech or use notes. Most will encourage you to use notes vs reading or memorizing a speech. Consider incorporating images in speech notes for shorter glances at your notes!

Long ago a fellow Toastmaster delivered a talk using his notes especially effectively. Upon inquiry, he shared with me his notes pictured above. I never thought of incorporating images in speech notes, but what a great idea!
I devoted an entire page to the topic of memorizing a speech vs the use of notes. Lots of good information is there. But the idea of creating images for notes is not one of them! Think about it, a picture is worth a thousand words. If a picture can jog your memory of what it is you want to say, why not use it!
If you do not possess the skills to draw as this speaker does, there are tons of images you can acquire, for free, from sites like Pixabay or Public Domain Pictures.