As speakers, we want our audience to listen to us and EXPERIENCE what we are saying. Stir up emotions through questions!

Use Questions to stir emotions.
How about these, for starters?
- Do you recall your first kiss?
- Do you recall your first crush?
- Do you recall a romantic dinner?
- Recall a favorite romantic movie.
Warm, Cozy, Fuzzy
- Can you feel those warm cozy socks on your feet?
- Can you feel wrapping your hands around a mug of fresh coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?
- Can you recall curling up with your favorite book besides the fireplace on a cold rainy day?
- Can you recall curling up with your favorite pet on a cold night to watch a movie?
- Can you recall snuggling next to your significant other while watching TV?
Sad or distressed
- Do you recall your first rejection for a date or a job?
- Do you recall a severe punishment as a child?
- Do you recall losing a beloved pet?
- Do you recall losing a dear friend or loved one?
- Do you recall losing something of value?
- Recall a time when you felt embarrassment after putting your foot in your mouth
- Have you ever asked a lady when she was due when she wasn’t pregnant?
- Recall a time when you were embarrassed
- Do you recall getting your driver’s license?
- Do you recall owning your car?
- Do you recall landing your first job?
- Do you recall your first promotion?
Stir emotions through questions!
Questions are powerful! Questions should be one of your primary tools to make your presentation memorable by involving your audience.