One of the surest ways to establish your credibility as a speaker is by becoming an author.

I was able to write these books and have two become Amazon Bestsellers thanks to Maurice DiMino and Craig Duswalt.
Having books available to offer your audiences enables them to “take you home” and remember your presentation. However, so many people want to write a book but have no idea where to start. For me, it felt too daunting, and I’d quickly abandon the task. Have you experienced that? With the right, specific guidance, it is possible to get that book out of your head and onto the page. After 25 years did just that – with not only one, but, three books. Two of them are Amazon bestsellers. Here’s how I did it.
Craig Duswalt Rockstar Marketing
I knew Craig “way back when” he just started doing seminars to teach folks how to market themselves. That was 2009. Since then he has become wildly successful with bi-annual boot camps that boast 300 or more attendees and growing.
One of the biggest successes for Craig is his How to Write a Book in 30 Days to Promote Your Business and Get it Published program. Since its inception, the program has empowered over 600 individuals to write their book. It got me to write mine after procrastinating for 25 years! What Craig’s program does is help you organize all those ideas floating around in your head (or on pieces of text) into viable content. Small steps. Just a little bit day by day. As a result, almost magically, the book comes together. Most people take longer than thirty days to write their book but not too much longer. Because a clear roadmap is provided, it is easy to follow.
The extra bonus
Craig offers an enticing perk to those who write a book using his program. You can appear on his stage at one of his huge events and deliver a 1-minute pitch about your book. Benefits?
- You are pitching to at least 300 potential buyers sitting in his audience.
- You are pitching to an audience that is generous in their enthusiasm. The audience claps, cheers and even gives standing ovations.
- Radio show hosts are sitting in the audience that may invite you to be interviewed on their show.
- Your pitch is professionally videotaped and made available for you to download and use as you wish.
I did this twice. Loved it. You can see the results here:
Read my Lips Tips for Success – 2012
Thirty Tips to Get Out of the Pits – 2017 (See the post I wrote about preparing for this pitch)
Getting the Program
On Craig’s site is a tab titled “book.” There you can purchase the program. But for less than the cost of the book program, you can secure a seat in one of his boot camps. I HIGHLY recommend that. There you receive the benefit of all the marketing tips presented, including the book-writing program. The event is high-energy and great fun. You get to see and experience the proud authors get up on that stage and pitch their book. It is motivating and inspiring. His next boot camp is October 4-6 at the Los Angeles Westin Hotel, close to the LAX. The next one is in April 2019.
Craig’s book-writing program focuses on acquiring a printed book and using it as a marketing tool. However, my printed books are not what made it to the coveted Amazon bestseller status. My e-books did. To take advantage of the ever-growing demand for e-books, let me introduce you to Maurice DMiino.
Maurice DiMino* – Elements of Authority – Six Elements of Success
Maurice is another successful coach I knew “way back when” – that’s 2006. He joined Toastmasters and jumped right into the competition track. He skyrocketed to Regional competitions; The man has a talent for connecting with his audience.
Maurice attended Craig’s first boot camp in 2009, and the rest is history. For a few years, he did live seminars based on his book titled The Art of Public Speaking – featuring his million dollar message presentation at its core.
As Maurice’s career blossomed as a professional speaker, traveling globally, he found it challenging to continue live workshops. However, he loves, LOVES teaching others what he has learned and put into practice to be successful. His ten plus years experience “on the road” has inspired him to develop his latest program titled Elements of Authority – the Six Elements of Success.
I have found Maurice to be the most upfront, honest, convenient and inexpensive coach I’ve encountered. I speak from experience, folks. I‘ve spent thousands and thousands and THOUSAND of dollars with various marketing coaches and program. Maurice is the real deal.
The Program
No surprise, becoming an author is his first element of success. The other five are:
- Speaker
- Webinars
- Podcasting
- YouTube (video)
- Social Media
Maurice focuses on e-books published and available via Amazon. Most know it the Amazon ebooks as Kindle books. However, what most people do not know is that one does not need to own a Kindle to read Kindle books. There are apps available to read a kindle book on almost any device. Maurice believes strongly in e-books vs. printed books for the reason that the upcoming generations listen, watch and read material that is online. Additionally because of their ease of production and affordable pricing for consumers. For all these reasons (and more) Maurice teaches that you want to be online.
His webinars on writing and publishing an e-book are detailed yet easy to follow. His webinar series on this topic covers topics such as:
- Using Microsoft Word to write the book – including the formatting the book – header size – subheading size – the size of the text. Very specific!
- How to create your own cover page
- Legal Pages
- Table of Contents
- About Page
- Introduction
- Constructing the content with “golden nuggets” of information. Yes, he does explain how to create your golden nuggets. Each nugget is a chapter. So with five-ten nuggets, you’ve got your book (and a speech, I may add.)
With Maurice’s program, it is almost impossible to not be successful in becoming an author.
The extras, like becoming a bestselling author
Then there are the extra insights Maurice teaches that are extremely valuable (and profitable)_
- Incorporating profitable hyperlinks in your ebook.
- Using Amazon as a lead generator with a free offer page
Becoming an Amazon bestselling author is the hallmark of Maurice’s book-writing program. I have two e-books on Amazon that are best-sellers. Talk about credibility. Maurice teaches, very, very explicitly, how to publish your book on Amazon’s Kindle so that you can, through his vast network of connections, promote your book and reach that coveted best selling author status. Several of us in his Master Class of have earned that title thanks to Maurice coaching.
*as of 2022, Maurice is no longer conducting his training programs.
In Conclusion:
It is possible to write your book and get it published. Becoming a best-selling author is possible. One of the greatest satisfaction and credibility booster is to be a published author. If you’ve got a book in you, I encourage you to explore these two sources of knowledge and get yourself out there. The world is waiting to hear what you have to say.