Strong speech organization is a way to put your ideas together in an orderly manner, which helps the audience to understand and follow your thoughts.
A few days ago I was purging stuff from closets in my garage and I came across a binder with public speaking training material I used years ago when teaching regularly at the Salvation Army adult rehabilitation center. The binder contained projector overheads – which should give you an idea how long the binder has been gathering dust in my garage. I brought it in and found some worthwhile nuggets to post about.
Like this template for organizing your speech.
I do not know who authored the above quote. But it clarifies beautifully and succinctly the importance of organizing your speech. Below is the template. This can be expanded or shortened depending on the time allotted for your talk. It also makes for a simple outline for your notes.
Grab the audiences attention with a quote, story or question
Tell 3 main points
Main Point #1 – reinforce with examples, stories, illustrations or statistics
Main Point #2 – reinforce with examples, stories, illustrations or statistics
Main Point #3 – reinforce with examples, stories, illustrations or statistics
Summary of main points
Conclusion and call to action or inspiration
There are several pages and that expand on these elements. Here are a few:
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