This post clarifies exactly what the “boast” is when roasting a person.
Most posts on this topic have focused on how to ROAST someone. BUT, every roast should be sandwiched with BOASTS. That is praising the person who is being roasted.
I think the BOAST part of a roast is the only reason Don Rickles stayed alive as long as he did. His roasts were so cut-throat and often below the belt, he was not liked by many. However, Mr. Rickles ALWAYS ended his roast with sincere, heartfelt praise.
Opening with a boast/praise establishes trust and a level of comfort for what comes next (the roast), and ending with a boast/praise leaves the person feeling good about him/herself.
So a basic “sandwich” outline for a Roast and Boast might look like:
- Boast/Praise
- Roast
- Boast/Praise
Here is how the basic sandwich might look for roasting Arnold
(Boast) Ladies and Gentlemen; and especially Arnold. It is an honor to have the opportunity to say a few words about such an accomplished individual (boast/praise); Arnold is one of the most inspiring examples of “from rags to riches” I’ve known about in my lifetime. HOWEVER (end of boast…now on to roast) that road has been fraught with challenges and mishaps. I’m going to share a few of those with you tonight.
(Roast)When Arnold was very young, just beginning to lift weights, he needed a job that would afford him flexibility in his work hours as he had his goal set: to become a Mr. Universe. His first job was as a salesman.
(Boast) But that setback didn’t stop Arnold. In fact, Arnold is where he is today because he never lets anything get in the way of a goal for which he has set his sights. Arnold, I salute you as a goal-setting, goal-achieving extraordinaire. You’ve always been an example, and inspiration, to me about the power of goals and focus.
Another format is to have a boast/praise before EACH roast topic. I call it the “club sandwich”: For example:
- Boast/Praise
- Roast
- Boast/Praise
- Roast
- Boast/Praise
Here is how that might look in roasting Arnold:
(Boast) Ladies and gentlemen – honored guests – and especially you, Arnold. It is my honor to have this opportunity to say a few words about you and your many successes. Let’s begin with your weight-lifting success. Mr. Universe two times. WOW! What tenacity, discipline, and focus that took!
(Roast) Do you know when Arnold realized he was a serious weight lifter? Well, three things really:
1. His girlfriend had more body hair than he did
2. He had more bikini’s than his girlfriend
3. He started lifting earlier than the U.S. military even gets out of bed.
(Boast) – Another huge success Arnold has enjoyed is a movie star! Well, some argue about the “star” part, but I say Arnold is a movie star!
(Roast) – I once asked Arnold what he thinks about being a movie actor. He said, “I think it’s cool – I have so many fans…”
(Boast) – With all that Arnold does, it is any wonder how he has time to engage I his hobbies. Did you know Arnold likes to garden? Yes, he does. And, as with everything else, he brings focus and success to his gardening endeavors too. Well, almost…
(Roast) – He was once asked by an interviewer how he knew the difference between weeds and the plants he wants to keep. Arnold replied “well, you pull on them. if they come out easily, they are the ones you want to keep.”
(Boast) Well, I could go on for a month of Sundays about this extraordinary man’s achievements, But I must make way for others who wish to share too. Arnold, I salute you as an example, as an inspiration, of what can be done through the power of setting goals and focus. You are one of the most extraordinary individuals I’ve known, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to call you a friend.
The “boast” part of a roast is a way to enable shy folks to participate in the celebration. It is easier to give praise than to poke fun.
Whether you choose to roast or not, you always want to include the boast any time you are speaking about the man or woman of the hour.