I recommend collecting a few premade images and tweaking them for the roast. We’ll talk about some examples in this post.
In a previous post, I shared some examples and resources for creating your own images for a roast. But if you do not have the time or skill set to do that, you can still utilize visuals to deliver a fun roast.
I have a library of images I run across on the web that are pretty generic and can be easily tweaked to fit a roast. Here is an example of what I mean. The topic is selling a beverage that boosts strength and stamina: A post of three images side by side moving left to right, depicting someone dying in the desert, drinking the promoted beverage, and then getting up and running. The advertisement, however, fails in Israel because in Israel, they speak Hebrew – and Hebrew is read from right to left.
In an Arnold roast, I’d explain that while heading up the national campaign on being fit, he traveled the world lecturing and selling his protein drink, but when he visited Israel…
How about a funny gardening image for an Arnold roast adding something like:
Arnold loved sharing his garden treasures. Here is a picture of…
I think you get the idea…
Google “funny images” and have fun building your collection, or just finding those choice few that take those “kernels” of truth about your roastee and greatly exaggerate them.
Are the images legal?
If doing a presentation that will be videotaped or posted on the web, make sure the illustrations you use are free of copyright license requirements! If the presentations aren’t online, you can use pretty much whatever you want. Images taken from the internet or elsewhere being used locally/in the classroom, for research/teaching/scholarship is allowed under Fair Use.