Here is a handy one-minute check plan for speaking success

Jacob M. Braude’s Pocket Card for Speaking is Classic Wisdom for speakers
The “Pocket Cards for Speakers” created by Jacob M. Braude are a great resource for speakers. They are out of print but they available from various booksellers online. There are six cards, each sharing “Magic Points” for various aspect of speaking. The card titles are:
Beginning your speech dynamically
Audience mastering tips
Devices to overcome nervousness
Creating audience responses
Closings that ensure lasting impressions
While you wait to give your speech
There are between 6 – 10 tips on each card that are spot-on helpful. I’ll do a post that takes a couple of pointers from each of these cards – but I recommend grabbing this little jewel if you can. But for now…
One Minute Check Plan
On the back side of the cardholder is a “One Minute Check-Plan” that am sharing that with you now:
Who is my audience? How can I interest these people in my subject?
What points shall I feature to develop the maximum interest in my subject
When do I want my audience to act on my ideas?
Where can my ideas and plans be put into action?
Why should this audience follow through immediately on my suggestions?
How can my audience effectively increase its own welfare by using my suggestions?
Now! How can I emphasize the need to act now, before it is too late?
Obviously, it would take more than a minute to prepare a talk that incorporates all this. But when getting ready to PREPARE the talk, this one-minute reminder will set you on the right course.
Great guidance from an obviously great teacher of speaking – Jacob M. Braude.