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Quotes and Toasts for a New Year and New Beginnings

Besides weddings and retirements, New Year is ripe for quotes and toasts.  Here are some quotes and toasts that are appropriate for the new year and beginnings.

Besides weddings and retirements, New Year is ripe for quotes and toasts.  Here are some quotes and toasts that are appropriate for the new year and new beginnings. Anonymous Quotes and Toasts for the New Year and New Beginnings Irish Quotes … Continue reading

Easy Template for Organizing Your Speech

Strong speech organization is a way to put your ideas together in an orderly manner, which helps the audience to understand and follow your thoughts. A few days ago I was purging stuff from closets in my garage and I … Continue reading

Prepare your MAC for Video Conferencing

prepare your mac for video-conferencing

Here is how you can prepare your MAC for Video Conferencing There is little as frustrating as having your online presentation interrupted by technical glitches. Making sure your computer is ready technically for a smooth delivery is critical. If you … Continue reading

Preparing your PC for Video Conferencing

Preparing your PC for video conferencing

Here are some tips to prepare your PC for Video Conferencing so you do not experience common glitches that can ruin the delivery for yourself and others. One of the outcomes of COVID-19, for better or worse, is video conferencing … Continue reading

Incorporating Images in speech notes

incorporating images in speech notes

There is a lot of discussion about whether to memorize a speech or use notes. Most will encourage you to use notes vs reading or memorizing a speech. Consider incorporating images in speech notes for shorter glances at your notes! … Continue reading

Dealing with a Difficult Audience

I recently delivered two talks utilizing the instruction in one of Toastmaster’s Pathway Projects – Managing a Difficult Audience. It was challenging but fun to have participants take on various roles as problematic audience members. I invited participants to take … Continue reading

Say Yes to Speaking Opportunities

Speech Evaluation

Never turn down a speaking opportunity. Just do it! Say “YES!” We may often want to say “no” to speaking opportunities because we fear making mistakes – appearing foolish. Yet, mistakes are the stepping-stones to excellence. So be willing to … Continue reading

Enhance Storytelling Skills with Tall Tales

Tall Tales to improve Storytelling Skills

Storytelling is a critical component of good speechmaking, whether to one or an audience of thousands. You can enhance storytelling skills with Tall Tales. The story, true or not, paints a picture for an audience’s eye to see, experience, and, … Continue reading

Ten reasons to master public speaking

Mastering public speaking can, and will, impact your life in a significantly positive way. Here are ten reasons to master public speaking: 1) Confidence Overcoming the #1 fear most people refuse to face increases your confidence and self-esteem. Public surveys … Continue reading

Speak Simply when Speaking

speak simply when speaking

When it comes to reaching your audience, simple words and sentence structure work best. Speak simply when speaking! In his book, The Sir Winston Method: The Five Secrets of Speaking the Language of Leadership, the author asks us to imagine what … Continue reading

Eye Contact on Zoom

In public speaking, eye contact is serious business, whether to one person or an audience of a thousand. Eye contact on Zoom is serious, too. In the western hemisphere and other cultures worldwide*, making eye contact is a sign of … Continue reading

Make Powerpoint a Zoom Virtual Background

Here is a way to really WOW your audience when delivering a PowerPoint presentation using Zoom. Recently I gave a talk about Yellowstone on Zoom. I made PowerPoint my virtual background so my face showed up on the screen over … Continue reading

Mindmap your next presentation

In May, I prepared and delivered a speech about Memorial Day. Challenged with scattered ideas and thoughts about the content, I decided to use a mindmap. That did the trick. You may want to mindmap your next presentation. What is … Continue reading

The Best Public Speaking Value for the money

The Best Public Speaking Value for the money

Each year in August, you can grab the best in public speaking training and resources via the Toastmasters Conventions online. The Toastmasters International Convention can be attended virtually! Consequently, there is no need to leave the comfort of your home! … Continue reading

Successful Keynote – The Ten Reasons

flyer promoting a keynote that was successful.

I recently gave a 20-minute keynote about hearing loss. The reviews and responses were overwhelmingly positive. Here are ten reasons I believe contributed to the successful keynote. The title of the talk is “WHAT? 10 Questions Most Often asked about … Continue reading

Filler words – energy zappers

A Gallop Poll Communication Survey revealed that the use of filler words such as “and, um, like, you know” annoyed 69% of people surveyed. What are “filler words” or “Verbal pauses”? Words and sounds that don’t add anything to your message. … Continue reading